
Your Savannah

Caring for Your Feline Companion

Savannahs: What a Unique Breed!

Your cat is special! She senses your moods, is curious most your twenty-four hours, and has purred her style into your middle. Chances are that you chose her considering you like Savannahs and you expected her to have certain traits that would fit your lifestyle, like:

  • Energetic, active, and able-bodied
  • Loves jumping and being in high places
  • Appreciating – forms strong bonds with family
  • Has a short, easy-to-intendance-for coat
  • Large, strong, and able-bodied

However, no cat is perfect! You may have also noticed these characteristics:

  • Strong hunting instinct – will chase anything flight or scampering
  • Needs early socialization to accept other pets and strangers
  • Must be properly socialized with humans and other animals

Is information technology all worth it? Of course! She's full of personality, and you love her for it! She is a rare and exotic gear up for your dear and dedication.

The Savannah is a cross between a wild African Serval and a domestic cat. Nigh Savannahs all the same carry a loftier percent of undomesticated claret. It is important to empathise the F or Filial rating to know how much undomesticated blood a Savannah might acquit. An F1 Savannah has a parent, usually the male, as a Serval. An F2 has a Serval for a grandparent. For the F3 the Serval is the bully grandparent and and so on. Some states restrict the buying of the Savannah to the after filial ratings. A great deal of a Savannah's personality may depend on how close they are to their F1 cantankerous. A Savannah tin be black, brown spotted tabby, blackness silver spotted tabby or black fume. Blackness Savannahs are solid black but may take faint "ghost spots" that can be seen below the blackness colour. Some are very social and friendly with new people, while others may run and hibernate or revert to hissing and growling when seeing a stranger. Savannahs have strong hunting instincts and love to climb and jump. Early socialization is crucial to their evolution. Well socialized Savannah'southward can be affectionate and playful members of the family.

Your Savannah's Health

We know that considering you lot care so much well-nigh your cat, you want to take groovy intendance of her. That is why we take summarized the health concerns nosotros will be discussing with you over the life of your Savannah. By knowing about the health concerns common among Savannahs, we can help y'all tailor an individual preventive wellness programme and hopefully prevent some predictable risks in your pet.

Many diseases and health atmospheric condition are genetic, meaning they are related to your pet'southward breed. The weather condition nosotros will describe here have a pregnant charge per unit of incidence or a strong affect upon this breed particularly, according to a full general consensus among feline genetic researchers and veterinary practitioners. This does non mean your true cat will take these issues, only that she may be more at risk than other cats. We will depict the well-nigh mutual issues seen in Savannahs to give you an idea of what may come upward in her hereafter. Of course, we tin can't cover every possibility hither, so ever check with us if you notice whatever unusual signs or symptoms.

This guide contains general health information of import to all felines as well equally information on genetic predispositions for Savannahs. The information hither can aid you and your pet'southward healthcare squad plan for your pet's unique medical needs together. At the stop of the booklet, nosotros have also included a description of what yous tin practise at home to keep your Savannah looking and feeling her best. We promise this information will assistance you know what to lookout man for, and we volition all feel better knowing that we're taking the best possible care of your friend.

General Wellness Data for your Savannah

Weight Direction

Obesity is a major affliction that contributes to a surprisingly big number of illnesses and deaths in cats.

This revelation is more than well-known and well-understood today than in the terminal few decades, merely too many owners are still ignoring the dangers of extra weight on their pets. Excess weight is one of the most influential factors in the evolution of arthritis, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases. Anybody knows—many firsthand from personal experience—how even shedding but a few pounds tin result in improved mobility and increased overall motivation to exist agile. And the same is truthful for your pet.

Inquiry suggests that conveying backlog weight may shorten a pet's life past as much as two years, and can cause the onset of arthritis two years sooner. Diabetes, an inherited disease, has a much higher chance of developing in overweight pets, and may never get a trouble for a healthy-weight cat. The more than obese a true cat becomes, the more probable it will get diabetic. Hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver, is another potentially fatal disease in overweight pets; hepatic lipidosis can develop in every bit few as 48 hours when an overweight true cat stops eating for whatever reason.

And then how can nosotros assistance our pets stay trim? Understanding your cat's dietary habits is key. The boilerplate cat prefers to swallow most ten-xv times a solar day, only a few nibbles at a time. This method, free-feeding, works well for most cats, simply boredom may increase the number of trips your cat makes to the food bowl. By keeping your true cat playfully active and engaged, y'all'll help your pet stay healthy and have some fun at the aforementioned time! A string tied to a stick with something crinkly or fuzzy on the other end of the string, and a little imagination—you and your cat volition both exist entertained. Food puzzles, like kibbles put in a paper pocketbook or under an overturned basket or box, may assistance to motivate cats with more nutrient-based interests to romp and tumble.

For really tough cases of overeating, you will accept to have a firm opinion, and regulate your cat's food intake. Instead of filling your true cat'due south bowl to the pinnacle, follow the feeding guide on the food package and exist sure to feed a loftier-quality adult cat diet as recommended by your vet. Supplant your cat's habits of eating when bored with extra playtime and affection. Cats typically adjust their desires for personal interaction by the corporeality of affection offered to them, so in other words, ignoring your cat ways your true cat will ignore you. By the same token, loving on and playing with your true cat a lot will cause your cat to desire that time with you. A more than agile cat means a healthier, happier pet—and possessor!

Inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the molar teeth. Daily tooth brushing will help prevent dental disease.

Inflammation of the mucilage tissue surrounding the tooth teeth. Daily tooth brushing volition help prevent dental illness.

Dental Disease

Dental disease is 1 of the almost mutual chronic problems in pets who don't accept their teeth brushed regularly. Unfortunately, most cats don't have very expert intendance of their own teeth, and this probably includes your Savannah. Without extra assistance and care from you, your true cat is likely to develop potentially serious dental issues. Dental disease starts with food residue, which hardens into tartar that builds up on the visible parts of the teeth, and eventually leads to infection of the gums and tooth roots. Protecting your cat against dental disease from the offset by removing nutrient residue regularly may help forbid or delay the need for avant-garde treatment of dental disease. This treatment tin can be stressful for your cat and expensive for you, so preventive care is benign all around. In severe cases of chronic dental infection, your pet may even lose teeth or sustain damage to internal organs. And, if nothing else, your cat will be a more pleasant companion not knocking everyone over with stinky cat jiff! We'll prove yous how to keep your cat's pearly whites clean at dwelling, and help you schedule regular routine dental exams.

Vaccine-Preventable Infections

Like all cats, Savannahs are susceptible to bacterial and viral infections such as panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, and rabies, which are preventable through vaccination. The take a chance of your true cat contracting these diseases is high, so the corresponding vaccines are called "core" vaccines, which are highly recommended for all cats. In addition, vaccines are available to offering protection from other unsafe diseases like feline leukemia virus (FeLV). In making vaccination recommendations for your true cat, nosotros will consider the prevalence of these diseases in our surface area, your true cat's historic period, and any other risk factors specific to her lifestyle.

There is no treatment for heartworm infection in cats. Prevention is the best therapy for this potentially fatal disease.

At that place is no treatment for heartworm infection in cats. Prevention is the best therapy for this potentially fatal illness.


All kinds of worms and bugs can invade your Savannah'southward trunk, inside and out. Everything from fleas and ticks to ear mites tin can infest her skin and ears. Hookworms, roundworms, heartworms, and whipworms can become into her system in a number of ways: drinking unclean h2o, walking on contaminated soil, or being bitten by an infected musquito. Some of these parasites can be transmitted to yous or a family fellow member and are a serious concern for everyone. For your feline friend, these parasites tin can cause pain, discomfort, and even death, so information technology's important that we test for them on a regular ground. Many types of parasites tin can exist detected with a fecal exam, and then it's a practiced idea to bring a fresh stool sample (in a stink-proof container, please) with your pet for her twice-a-year wellness exams. We'll likewise recommend preventive medication as necessary to keep her healthy.

Spay or Neuter

1 of the best things you tin can practice for your Savannah is to have her spayed (neutered for males). In females, this procedure includes surgically removing the ovaries and commonly the uterus; in males, the testicles are surgically removed. Spaying or neutering your pet decreases the likelihood of certain types of cancers and eliminates the possibility of your pet condign pregnant or fathering unwanted litters. Both sexes usually become less territorial and less likely to roam, and neutering particularly decreases the occurrence of urine spraying and marking behaviors in males. Performing this surgery also gives the states a gamble, while your pet is under anesthesia, to place and address some of the diseases your cat is likely to develop. For example, if your pet needs hip X-rays to check for dysplasia or a thorough dental test to look for stomatitis, these procedures tin be conveniently performed at the same time as the spay or neuter to minimize the stress on your cat. Routine blood testing prior to surgery also helps united states of america to place and take precautions against common problems that increase anesthetic or surgical risk. It sounds like a lot to keep in listen, but don't worry – we'll discuss all the specific problems we will look for with you when the fourth dimension arrives.

Genetic Predispositions for Savannahs

General Illness Risks

Some cat breeds seem to exist predisposed to all the diseases. Other cats, like your Savannah, are remarkably good for you, with piffling or no increased risk for inherited disease. In gild to make preventive healthcare recommendations for these true cat breeds, we more often than not make some educated guesses based on common illness risks for other cat breeds. Based on these similarities, the following disease risks may carry higher adventure, although supportive enquiry has not been identified.

An illustration of a feline heart with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Notice how the thick heart muscle becomes too stiff to pump blood effectively.

An illustration of a feline heart with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Notice how the thick heart muscle becomes too stiff to pump blood effectively.

Heart Disease

Cardiomyopathy is the medical term for heart muscle disease, either a primary inherited condition or secondary to other diseases that damage the heart. The most mutual form, chosen hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM, is a thickening of the heart muscle often caused by an overactive thyroid gland. Some other example is dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM, which can exist acquired by a dietary deficiency of the amino acrid taurine. While DCM was a big problem in the past, all major true cat food producers now add together taurine to cat food, so DCM is rarely seen in cats with high-quality diets today.

Catching signs of cardiomyopathy early is important, just a cat'due south normal tendency to hide illness tin brand symptoms difficult to spot. The first thing a pet parent usually notices is rapid breathing, languor, and a poor ambition. These symptoms may appear to come on suddenly, often between a few hours to a few days, but in nigh cases, the true cat has actually been suffering quietly for weeks to months and is now in serious trouble.

For a few breeds of cats, genetic testing is available for a specific gene abnormality that causes HCM. Most cats with cardiomyopathy have a heart murmur that can be detected during a wellness physical exam, simply a specific diagnosis requires more advanced medical imaging. Finding this problem early on, when treatment is nearly constructive, is another important reason to accept your pet evaluated twice a year for life.

Arterial Thromboembolism

Cats with eye disease may develop claret clots in their arteries known as FATE (feline aortic thromboembolisms). Blood clots about commonly go lodged just past the aorta, the large blood vessel that supplies blood from the heart to the body, blocking normal blood flow to the hind legs. When this happens, one or both hind legs may become paralyzed, cold, or painful. FATE is a life-threatening disease, and requires quick activeness and prolonged medical care. Cats who survive thromboembolisms, however, usually regain full part of their limbs. If your cat is diagnosed with heart affliction, we may prescribe medications to aid lower the risk of blood clots. If your cat all of a sudden can't walk or is dragging one or both back legs and crying, don't wait! Your pet needs immediate emergency intendance.


When your true cat urinates exterior the litter box, you may be annoyed or furious, specially if your best pair of shoes was the location called for the act. Just don't get mad likewise quickly—in the bulk of cases, cats who urinate around the firm are sending signals for help. Although truthful urinary incontinence, the inability to control the bladder muscles, is rare in cats and is unremarkably due to improper nervus role from a spinal defect, most of the time, a cat that is urinating in "naughty" locations is having a problem and is trying to get you lot to observe. What was one time considered to be one urinary syndrome has turned out to be several over years of research, simply current terminology gathers these different diseases together under the label of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases, or FLUTD. Many of these diseases crusade similar symptoms, for example, a cat with urolithiasis, or bladder stones, shows many of the same symptoms as a cat with a urinary tract infection, which may also present like the symptoms of a blocked tomcat. Watching for any signs of aberrant urination, similar urinating on cool surfaces (a tile floor or bathtub, for example), blood in the urine, straining to urinate with picayune or no urine product, or crying in the litterbox can assist yous identify the first signs of a FLUTD. If your cat demonstrates whatsoever of these symptoms, call us right abroad for an urgent appointment. Particularly for male cats, if the urethra is blocked with stones or crystals, the cat is not able to expel whatsoever urine, which tin become an emergency within only a few hours. The inability to urinate is painful and quickly fatal, and so if your cat may exist blocked, seek emergency intendance immediately.

Cats are very good at hiding how sick they are, so the early on signs of FLUTD are piece of cake to miss. Bringing your true cat in for regular urinalysis testing allows us to cheque for signs of infection, kidney illness, crystals in the urine, and even diabetes. X-rays and ultrasounds can as well help detect the presence of stones in the bladder or kidneys. Lower urinary tract affliction tin be controlled with medications and special diets, though severe cases of FLUTD may besides crave surgery.

Illustration of the inside of a kidney from a cat with chronic kidney disease. The chronic changes have caused indentations of the outer surface of the kidney.

Illustration of the inside of a kidney from a cat with chronic kidney disease. The chronic changes have caused indentations of the outer surface of the kidney.

Renal Failure

Renal failure refers to the disability of the kidneys to properly perform their functions of cleansing waste material from the blood and regulating hydration. Kidney disease is extremely common in older cats, but is usually due to exposure to toxins or genetic causes in young cats. Fifty-fifty very young kittens can accept renal failure if they have inherited kidney defects, so we recommend screening for kidney problems early, before any anesthesia or surgery, and then regularly throughout life. Severe renal failure is a progressive, fatal disease, but special diets and medications tin can assist cats with kidney disease live longer, fuller lives.

The thyroid glands rest on both sides of the neck alongside the windpipe.

The thyroid glands residue on both sides of the cervix alongside the windpipe.


The thyroid gland is located at the front of the throat, and has a very important part. It produces a hormone chosen thyroxine, or T4. Thyroxine regulates the overall speed of metabolic processes throughout the torso. Cells in every role of the trunk start to work faster when T4 levels in the blood rise; when T4 levels autumn, the thyroid gland produces more T4, thereby continuously and closely regulating T4 levels in the torso. Many heart-anile cats, however, develop a benign (non-cancerous) tumor in the thyroid gland. The cells that make up this tumor still produce T4, but their command mechanism is faulty. The normal feedback system that maintains a balanced T4 level in the body has no effect on these tumor cells, so that they go along to pump out T4 despite signals to stop. Cats with these tumors have their "get" switch permanently stuck in the "faster" position. This affliction is termed hyperthyroidism. Typically, hyperthyroidism affects cats about ten to twelve years of age—the cat will become more agile, only with a nervous energy that masks the true disease they are feeling. Vomiting, weight loss, and increased thirst are mutual symptoms of this disease, but they often come up on so gradually that the problem is non hands noticed. In avant-garde cases, hyperthyroidism can lead to heart failure, kidney failure, and fatal blood clots. Hyperthyroidism can be readily detected with a standard blood exam performed as function of your true cat's routine wellness programme. Today's effective treatment options can actually cure the disease by killing off the aberrant tumor cells while leaving the normal thyroid cells undamaged, resulting in a normal life span for many affected cats.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a genetic disease that can occur in any cat breed. With some forms of diabetes, a cat volition become diabetic regardless of other health problems. Other cats may accept a susceptibility to diabetes, merely will just become overtly diabetic if they are allowed to go overweight or consume a poor diet. If a cat's weight and nutrition are managed accordingly, the hazard for diabetes in your pet is much lower. Recently, indoor inactive lifestyles have acquired a tremendous increase in the number of diabetic cats. Cats were not bred to be only window gazers, but the majority of feline pets alive exclusively sedentary lives indoors. Keeping your indoor pet active with daily practise is very important to keeping your cat slim and preventing illnesses related to weight gain. Diabetes can besides be related to a painful status called pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis, which is thought to exist genetically inherited, can lead to damage of the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, and therefore tin lead to a diabetic state in the cat.

Symptoms of diabetes include weight loss despite a good appetite, excessive thirst, and increased urination. We will exam for the affliction at least once a yr and more frequently equally your true cat ages. As with people, many diabetic cats practise not need to receive insulin injections if they lose weight and switch to a high-protein, depression-sugar prescription diet. Because diabetes is thought to be a genetic predisposition in Savannahs, managing the type and quantity of food that your pet eats and incorporating exercise into your cat'southward daily routine is essential!


In humans, an allergy to pollen, mold, or grit makes people sneeze and their eyes itch. In cats it makes the skin itchy. We telephone call this grade of allergy "atopy." Commonly, the legs, abdomen, face, and ears are very likely to accept this trouble. Symptoms typically start between the ages of 1 and three and can get worse every year. Licking (over grooming) the afflicted areas, rubbing the confront, and frequent ear infections are the most mutual signs. You may notice thinner or shortened hair in those areas or red, sore skin lesions. We will demand to investigate the cause of the problem since food allergies and mites can cause similar signs. The skillful news is that at that place are many treatment options available for this condition.

Taking Intendance of Your Savannah at Dwelling house

Much of what you can do at abode to keep your cat happy and salubrious is mutual sense, just similar it is for people. Scout her diet, make sure she gets enough of exercise, regularly castor her teeth and coat, and call the states or a pet emergency infirmary when something seems unusual (see "What to Watch For" beneath). Be sure to attach to the schedule of examinations and vaccinations that we recommend for your pet. During your cat'due south exams, nosotros'll perform her necessary "check-ups" and examination for diseases and weather condition that are common in Savannahs. Another very important step in caring for your pet is signing her up for pet health insurance. There volition certainly exist medical tests and procedures she will need throughout her life and pet wellness insurance volition assistance you embrace those costs.

Routine Care, Nutrition, and Exercise

Build your pet's routine care into your schedule to assist your Savannah live longer, stay healthier, and exist happier during her lifetime. Nosotros cannot overemphasize the importance of a proper diet and practise routine for your pet.

  • Supervise your pet as you would a young child. Go along doors closed, pick upwardly after yourself, and block off rooms every bit necessary. This will help keep her out of trouble, off of inappropriate surfaces for jumping, and away from objects she shouldn't put in her mouth.
  • Their curt coats crave piffling maintenance. Fabric or manus rubbing equally needed with the occasional bath.
  • Savannahs accept generally good teeth, and y'all can keep them perfect past brushing them at to the lowest degree twice a calendar week!
  • Cheque her ears weekly for wax, debris, or signs of infection and clean when necessary. Don't worry—we'll show you lot how!
  • She needs daily play sessions that stimulate her natural desire to hunt and explore. Keep her mind and body active or she may develop behavior issues.
  • Cats are meticulously clean and demand a clean litter box. Exist sure to provide at least 1 box for each cat and scoop waste product daily.
  • Information technology is of import that your cat drinks adequate amounts of water. If she won't drink water from her basin effort adding ice cubes or a flowing fountain.
  • Feed a high-quality feline diet appropriate for her age.
  • Exercise your cat regularly by engaging her with high-activity toys.

What to Sentinel For

An abnormal symptom in your pet could be just a small or temporary issue, but information technology could also exist the sign of serious illness or illness. Knowing when to seek veterinary help, and how urgently, is essential to taking care of your cat. Many diseases can cause cats to accept a feature combination of symptoms, which together tin can exist a clear signal that your Savannah needs help.

Role calls

Give us a call for an engagement if you observe any of these types of symptoms:

  • Modify in appetite or water consumption
  • Tartar build-up, bad breath, red gums, or broken teeth
  • Itchy skin (scratching, chewing, or licking), hair loss, or areas of shortened fur
  • Sluggishness, mental dullness, or excessive sleeping
  • Fearfulness, aggression, or other behavioral changes
  • Poor appetite, weight loss, lethargy, increased thirst and urination
  • Voracious appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst and urination
  • Aberrant pare or coat, excessive grooming


Seek medical care immediately if you discover any of these signs:

  • Scratching or shaking the caput, tender ears, or ear belch
  • Cloudiness, redness, itching, or any other aberration involving the eyes
  • Inability or straining to urinate; discolored urine
  • Weakness or exercise intolerance; rapid, labored, or open up-mouth breathing; sudden-onset of weakness

Partners in Health Care

DNA testing is a rapidly advancing field with new tests constantly emerging to help in the early diagnosis of inherited disease even before your true cat shows symptoms. For the near up-to-appointment information on DNA and other screening tests available for your pal, visit

Your Savannah counts on y'all to have good care of her, and we look forwards to working with you to ensure that she lives a long and healthy life. Our goal is to provide yous both with the all-time wellness care possible: health care that's based on your pet's breed, lifestyle, and age. Please contact us when yous have questions or concerns.


  • Bong JS, Cavanagh KE, Tilley LP, Smith FW. Veterinary medical guide to canis familiaris and true cat breeds. Jackson, Wyoming. Teton New Media; 2012.
  • Gough A, Thomas A. Breed Predispositions to Affliction in Dogs and Cats. second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell; 2010.
  • Feline Advisory Bureau. Inherited disorders in cats – confirmed and suspected [Cyberspace]. [cited 2013 May i]. Available from: Pages Used

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